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Sunday, December 8, 2019

Quiet Moments...

...simple joys.

There were a couple quiet moments yesterday that captured my heart and sharing them here is just what I have to do.

One of the stores Anita and I wandered into was Treehouse Toys on Exchange Street in Portland.  My son Sam worked there for several years during high school and college helping him to hang on to the kid that to this day remains in his heart.  I reaped the rewards of that job getting toys and trinkets he knew I would love always wrapped in the same colorful polka dotted wrapping paper.

I saved and used every inch of that paper cutting out the whimsical dots for various projects including a few on this little watercolor I did a few months ago.....

....and this 100 day index card. My supply was pretty much depleted.

But....I bought a little trinket for Sam's stocking while I was at the toy store and as I was checking out I noticed the same precious wrapping paper on a big roll behind the counter. 

I didn't need anything wrapped....but played my "Sam used to work here card" and asked for a little bit of paper for nostalgia's sake.  The clerk happily and generously obliged. 

I was a block away from the store when I thought to take this photo and texted it to Sam. We had a quiet little mom/son technology bonding moment...simple joy!

The "Art on the Hill" show is held in the cafeteria of the East End Community School along the Eastern Promenade of Portland.  There along the bright orang/yellow wall above one of the serving windows was a scruffy garland that caught my eye.
Much to my delight it was dried ginkgo leaves tied along a string.  A quiet moment....pure and simple joy!  

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