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Tuesday, December 31, 2019

This and That

I wonder if anyone else got found objects in their stocking?  Lucky me got a little elephant and a pterodactyl. What's not to love about that!

I finished the last of my new 5ftinf puzzles on another snowy day in Maine.....a perfect way to end 2019.                                                                                                           

I was re-inspired by batiks when Anne was cutting swatches from my I spent some time pulling fabrics for a project that might be just for me.

I can see from this line-up that I want less blue and more reds and oranges....but that's an easy fix. I'm not quite sure exactly what my pattern will be but I've been browsing Pinterst for inspiration.  I want to do something a bit more interesting than just strips....but I also want to keep it simple wanting it to feel more like a painting than a quilt.

And...I'm going to use up my very favorite stripy batik fabric as an accent here and there.  I wish I had 10 yards of has been so versatile and I've used it in many many quilt projects over the years. But I'm down to just a little bit and I might as well do something that might end up hanging in my home.

Happy New Year!  I'm starting 2020 with some COLOR!

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