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Saturday, January 18, 2020

Channeling Linda

There's nothing better on a chilly day than sitting at the puzzle table with a cup of tea and a little space heater on my feet.  This has been a fun one....and I've been taking it slow.

I had a funny conversation with Linda recently.  She does her puzzles very orderly....working from one end to the other finishing one section a time.  I tend to work randomly....doing everything red...or orange...or blue...connecting parts as I go.

But I've been channeling Linda to finish the middle of this one....working from right to left.  And the funny thing is....she e-mailed me a few days ago when she got frustrated with the one she was working on and started doing it MaryAnn style.

It was moving a long pretty fast and this is where I made myself stop.  I like to stretch out the end and I'll finish it tomorrow.  I have a fun one in the wings I'm borrowing from Margie and I can't wait to start it!


  1. We do not approach puzzles the same. I can't stretch it out when I hit a certain point. I have to finish it, even if it means late into the night...

    1. I know....I think of you and smile when I leave just a little bit. :)
