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Sunday, January 12, 2020

Fine Line

It was 70 degrees in Lexington today....strange for January 12th...but perfect for a walk with Anita.  Here are some random photos from the walk....all unrelated to the topic I'm writing about....just something to look at...and each of these things made me pause and smile.

Winter Witch Hazel 
There's fine line I walk when writing this blog about not getting too personal.  Many of you know me pretty well, a few of you are getting to know me from a distance, and others only know the bits and pieces I share here. For the most part I try to keep the personal stuff to a minimum.....but that's hard to do because there's nothing more personal than joy. 

Today was the first Sunday at Hancock Church when it was publicly known that my husband Paul will retire as of November 1st....and it was emotional.  November seems like a long way away...but then again it's right around the corner.

You don't have to pick up everything.
Pieces and parts of our transition will most certainly find their way into this blog over the next several months.  I will be melding two houses....reinventing spaces at the condo....and handling and making decisions about almost everything we own. Although the condo is large, there is no basement and I am at the point in my life where I need to let things go...except maybe art and craft supplies.

I'm excited about what lies ahead for us and I'm looking forward to living in just one place....for as long as we choose to stay. Carol, the church moderator recently told Paul that every minister is a transition minister....and that has really resonated with me.  

A sticky looking rainbow on the pavement
What it made me realize is that every home in our whole married life has been a transition home....a temporary landing place until it was time to move on. We've lived in some wonderful places....but in some ways it feels like I finally will be going home.

Thanks in advance for walking this fine line with me during this transition.

Speaking of transitions.....the destination of our walk today was the "Granite Forest" in Lincoln Park. My friend David is working with his committee to create a mediative space that will combine repurposed granite slabs, plantings and nature, and poetic engravings.  It will be fun to watch it evolve.

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