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Thursday, January 23, 2020

Go Big or Go Home

I'm certain I'll be using many of the skills from the Fabulous Florals class in my art. But I'm also quite certain I won't be painting too many fresh flower bouquets. It's hard.

I tried....I really tried to paint something that even suggested that beautiful kale. Our finished product, after all, is meant to be impressionistic giving the suggestion of the flowers....not realistic renderings.

But I was totally uninspired and actually quite discouraged by my kale blob. I also felt like the painting needed a bright pop of a different color as a focal point. And I want to play with a variety of colors for collaging.

I solved it by painting a big bright sunflower over the kale blob. Go big or go home.  I like the pop of yellow and I think I can work with this.  I'm only posting this view for now....if I showed it straight on you might mistake if for a 1st grader's work.

I put it aside for today and will touch it up a bit tomorrow....then just let it go. Next week we finally get the lessons on mono printing our papers.....what I've been patiently waiting for.

The ease of putting the greens into the puzzle was a nice change of pace.

This puzzle is one of those where the long skinny pieces go horizontal and the chubby ones go vertical.  When you lay the pieces out by almost puts itself together.  Unlike my painting.
I'm still trying to do just one color a day.  It was hard to stop today...but I'm timing it to have a little bit of it to do every day before I go back to Lexington on Saturday.  Silly?  Probably. Go slow...then go home.  

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