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Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Good Lighting

As I have gotten older good lighting is more and more important.  Actually, I've become quite passionate about lighting....maybe because so many times I've gotten it wrong.

Since my puzzle table is in the middle of the room in Maine....I needed a good light. I've been auditioning ones I already own....and nothing was quite right.  So I ordered this sleek, affordable little Ott Light...and it's great. It has 3 settings for brightness....and the neck flexes up down and sideways so the light can be where ever you want.  When the light is going sideways like illuminates almost the whole table...even at night.  Maybe I got it right this time.

Margie did this puzzle in just a day or two....but I'm going to stretch it out.  Yesterday I did the I worked on red and red orange.  Taking it slow....a button color a day.

Speaking of light....while we are working with our flowers for the Fabulous Florals class we are supposed to illuminate them with a light source from one side to emphasize the shadows.  The new lesson came out today and we were to do 4 thumbnail charcoal sketches to audition different compositions for our underpainting: left, right, center and zoomed in.  

Once we picked the one we like we were encouraged to practice it a bit more before we sketching it onto our boards.  I chose the left orientation. 

These are just rough....all we are working on is composition.  I'll probably practice more before I commit to the board...and I look forward to feedback from Elizabeth.  Sketching with charcoal is actually more fun than I thought....I don't think I've done it since I was in school.                       

One of the pleasant little surprises of good lighting was the shadow of this slivery filler from the bouquet on my sketch.  I don't know if or how I'll include it in my underpainting.....maybe just a suggestion of it in some way because I really like it.  The thoughts about painting the whole bouquet on the board is a bit daunting....but I'm just going to trust the process and go for it. 
My flowers are fading fast so I need to get rolling soon.  I reworked it last night trying to liven it up before the sketches today.

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