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Friday, January 3, 2020

Long Shadows and Stats

I love the long afternoon shadows on the snow in the woods.

I can't let today go by without marking the anniversary of the start of this blog.  On January 3rd 2015 with the help of my niece Clarke, I started sharing my stories, my projects, and my daily joy here in this space. Today I start my 6th year and I still chuckle when I think about the fact that Paul asked me way back when if I would run out of things to say. I guess he has his answer....he's one of my faithful readers.

I am so appreciative that there are people who take the time to read it.....even if it's just a glance. I've loved the connections I've made with friends and family through it and the new friendships I've made because of it.  It continues to be positive force in my day and enough people have shared that it's been good for them too so I guess I'll keep going. 

Here are my 5 year stats:

I've published 1815 posts.
I've got 85 unpublished drafts....most of which just need to be deleted but goes to show there's a lot of joy that never gets shared. 
I've had 83, 345 total page views....and that doesn't count people who read it though e-mail.  I average between 40 and 70 a day....with outliers both high and low.

Blogspot tracks everything including where the page views come from and here is a chart of the countries and the number of all time views from each country.  Kind of mind boggling.

I'll end with the photo I posted on that first post...the moon through the trees as I was leaving Connie's after an evening of caregiving. Still one of my very favorite photos.....still one of my favorite people. 

Congratulations for making it to the end of this post...and THANK YOU for spending time with me here!

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