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Thursday, January 30, 2020

Painted Papers

Here's a glimpse into the colorful fun I had today printing with my gel plate. I hope to take some step by step photos of the process tomorrow.  It's kind of addictive...and you never quite know what you're going to get.

Our first task was to create light colors solids. The goal is to build patterns and textures starting with light colors building up to the final darkest layer. Elizabeth does multiple layered papers for her collage work.

I used all kinds of papers....maps, book pages, deli paper (thanks Lynne) and even the release paper from my fabric fusing projects. This green one is the index page from an atlas which may be my favorite paper actually.  It pulls the paint off the gel plate really well.

The next task was to play with stencils for a second layer on top of our light solids. I had purchased a few fun stencils...and you can see I was quite fond of the circle one...partly because it was always close by. A few others I haven't even used yet. Some of these have two stencil layers.   

Here are a few closeups. I didn't have a lot of contrast on the first two layers...but there's a nice soft texture behind the dark blue. I'm still learning.
And I love the bits of map showing through this one. 

These next two only have one stencil layer. I like the simplicity of them....but more texture may be needed. 
It's been a fun, colorful day painting papers and I'm learning a lot.

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