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Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Paper Paintings

I't's a new year....perfect timing for a class!  Today I started a 5 week on-line course from an artist I've admired for quite some time.  Elizabeth St. Hilaire creates impressionistic paintings from tidbits of torn painted papers and teaches her techniques online and in beautiful places all over the world.

I'll share my motivations and goals...and my fears in the next little while....this post is about celebrating Elizabeth's art.  All of these images are either from her Paper Paintings Instagram or Facebook Pages.

I'm especially fond of Elizabeth's birds.


You may recognize this one....the canvas print is sold in stores and as a matter of fact my sister Angie has it hanging in her living room.

I'm also quite fond of her fruits and veggies.


The class is called Fabulous Florals and this Instagram post gives you a little snapshot of what we'll be doing.  Today was the first set of videos with an introduction, overview, and prep work as we gather supplies.  I can't wait to really dig in....but that may not be until next week.  I need to practice patience.....but I'm so excited to paint with papers!

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