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Saturday, February 22, 2020

Collage Puzzle

We drove back to Lexington today....and I left the finished vintage quilt puzzle sitting on the table and I'm already looking forward to the next one.

And here's the next one I just bought this evening at our local Gallery Twist here in Lexington.

Boston based collage artist Betsy Silverman gave a talk and demonstration on her amazing collages.  Every single element in her pieces is created with bits and and pieces from magazines....absolutely no paint. 

When you first see her artwork they look like photographs...or at the very least paintings.  But when you look closely you can see the bits of paper, text, and images she meticulously layers and glues to create the components in her piece and her background in architecture and that really comes through. She chooses her paper bits carefully looking for just the right colors and textures...but she also includes text and images that add bits of humor and whimsy.  To see her finished pieces in person is mind boggling!  What a wonderful way to spend an evening!

You can view her pieces on Instagram and watch a time lapse video of a collage in the making using this link:

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