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Thursday, February 20, 2020


Paul and I are in Maine for a few days....and I took advantage of the drive to delete some unused apps on my phone.

One I didn't get rid of was "Photo Splash" where you can turn a photo into a black and white and choose where you want to add back the color by just rubbing your finger over the screen.

I experimented with this photo I took a few years ago at a farmers' market in Copley Square in Boston.
I also spent some time late this afternoon doing a collage experiment inspired by the colors in this puzzle.
I'm not sure it was all that successful.....but I'm learning. There are a couple little moments I like but there is WAY too much going on and overall it's too dark. I got a little carried away with some of the flower clusters and they just kept growing.  And the more I tried to fix them...the bigger they got...ha ha. Then I tried to soften them with more greens.  I'll see how it looks in the light of day....and maybe I'll be brave and go in with paint and give it some breathing room like I did with my class piece.  I also took the photo this evening...and that never works well and the light distorts the color.

I do like pops of color in the stems....and I tried to let a little blue sky poke through too. But there are too many different papers making it too busy. The only way I'm going to learn is to practice....and I hope you don't mind me sharing some of my little experiments.

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