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Saturday, February 1, 2020

February Shift

When February 1st rolls around I always seem to start a bit of a shift.  There's a lot of winter left to come...and I'm OK with that....but I start shifting away from it inside my home and inside my head.

The snowmen and wintery things get packed away and I pull out a few Valentine things to brighten up the February doldrums.                                                                                     

One of my February shift projects was a little needle felted heart for Margie's wreath.

It always starts with a little blob of wool roving.....and a piece of foam rubber and a felting needle.  

Lots of stabbing is oddly relaxing.

I kept adding wool and stabbing until I got the shape and density that seemed's getting there.


I speared it onto a piece of wire and it was ready to tuck into Margie's wreath....just in time for the February shift.

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