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Saturday, February 8, 2020

Home Stretch

Yesterday's freezing rain coated the trees with ice and the light from the sun was beautiful through the sparkly trees.  The first photo is the morning light in the front of the condo....the second is the late afternoon light in the back.

I'm almost ready to wrap things up in the Fabulous Florals class.  It's been great journey but I'm ready to put it aside for a while and tend to other things. I've learned a variety of new techniques and can't wait to put my own spin on it in the future.

I'm not sure my piece is anywhere close to fabulous....but finished is better than fabulous. I'm done collaging my big piece and the final step is to paint the negative space with a neutral color....which scares me to death.

I'm actually fond of my contrasting blue background....but Elizabeth says painting the negative space opens things up and helps define shapes and colors.  It gives a little breathing room. Since this is a learning opportunity I'm going to give it a go and honor the process because I think mine needs a little breathing's pretty tightly packed.

Somehow holding it at an angle like this seems more forgiving.   ha ha  I'm on the home stretch and tomorrow I'll have closure before I head back to Lexington.

And speaking of fabulous.....Anne finished her fun-a-day cathedral window project.  Fun is just the same as fabulous! Thanks for taking me on your journey with you!  Well done!


  1. Wow! I love your fabulous floral, especially the flowers with outlines. You have a great sense of color.

    1. Thanks Christine! The flowers with the outline are actually leaf prints of of a schefflera plant on some of the painted papers. The outline is the color of the final print color. It's an interesting process and I will revisit it again....and post more about the steps at some point.
