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Wednesday, February 26, 2020

I Spy

I may be a bit of a broken record....but once again I'm celebrating some things I spied on a morning walk. If every day I see even just one beautiful thing from's been a good day for me.

Janet was very patient with me when I played a little I Spy and had to pause.

The sky was a little overcast so it was easier to photograph the beautiful witch hazel.  It's such a fun blast of color in a mostly brown landscape.
Do you see what I saw in the photo below? You might have to zoom in to see the water droplets all lined up on the vines....they looked like strings of pearls. It was just beautiful and the photograph in no way does it justice.  The fact that the pearls were horizontal in what is largely a vertical landscape made them stand out even more. 

Janet encouraged me to get a closer look.

And this little lichen heart was a fun pop of color.  I didn't realize until I got home that there is also a dark spot on the tree trunk behind the lichen that is kind of heart shaped too. 

I hope you spied something beautiful today.                                                                                                                   

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