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Monday, February 3, 2020

Leaf Prints

One of our lessons this last week for the Fabulous Florals class was making leaf prints on some of our painted papers that we'll tuck into our final collage.

I had pressed some of the leafy greenery from my original bouquet so those along with a few snips from my schefflera plant is where I started.  I had a blast! I can really see where the multiple layers really pays off revealing interesting texture and depth on the cutouts.

I rolled a paint layer on my gel plate, laid down the leaves then pressed down a pre-printed piece of paper making sure to work my fingers around all the leaves.  This was one of the leaves I used over and over....and it's beautiful all painted up.  I wonder how long it will last this's quite lovely.
Elizabeth warned us that it didn't work so well when the leaves were touching if you're planning on cutting them out..and it's good to thin some of them out. 

I learned that the hard way but those parts can be used for something else. I think bits of this paper is like fused fabric...every scrap useful.

When I cut them out I left a little bit of the contrasting outline defining the shape and giving them a bit of a frame.

I'm a big fan of these....but I'm in the wrong season to be shopping the yard and I don't have enough variety in my house plants. If I visit you....don't be surprised if you find your plants a bit pruned.😉

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