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Saturday, February 15, 2020

View Finder

I made a few small changes to my little torn paper experiment.  At first I finished it like I did the class project with a thin coat of satin varnish. But the next day I wanted to see how it looked with more of a matte I top coated it with matte medium.

I do like it...but I also see that it does mute the colors a bit like Elizabeth said...and sometimes that may be the look I'm going for. And sometimes a little sheen might be better. 

I actually think I liked this one better with a little sheen. But that's what experiments are for!

I also auditioned it under a a couple of mat boards....there's nothing like a view finder to help with orientation.
What I discovered is that the design is better suited for a square I cut my project down. 

Now it's a little 5 x 5 with a birthday greeting on the back.  I'm already scheming for the next one with a similar concept. 

And I did actually get a little cleaning done....and here's the before and after of my work table by the window to prove it....complete with some little torn scraps of painted paper all ready for the next project. 

I laid some of the bits out on my work table and it reminded me of the colors in a puzzle I did last fall. Ahhhhh.....I found my inspiration for the next experiment.

I'm not going to be literal about the iris....but will to search my papers and pair and group them according to the colors in the iris. It's such a pretty scheme and the image has such a nice flow.  It will have to wait a bit because I"m heading back to Lexington tomorrow....and I don't tend to take projects back and forth. Lots of things sit waiting. 

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