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Saturday, March 28, 2020

Keep Creating
It's been a bit of a strange day....but a little hand stitching was familiar and comforting.  I finished adding the colors to the first of the last three strips of my cathedral window wall hanging and today I started connecting it to the quilt.

When you stitch the rows together you create another space for colored squares.  I connect a little then I add colors just to change it up. 

As I'm adding the colored squares I go down one side until I run out of thread then down the other side.  If I went all the way around the square I'd be starting and stopping all the time.  Make sense?

Then every once in a while I have a little chocolate....a very important part of the creative process.  Trust me.


  1. I am so enjoying reading your blog. Beautiful colours, words and ideas.
    And, yes, I did understand about going down one side and up the other. I am also a quilter, but have never made cathedral windows.
    I am jumping around in your blog ... I'll have to wait until tomorrow to read more. Thanks.

    1. Thank you so much! I love that you've discovered the blog....and hope you jump around more and more. Thanks for reaching out. Welcome! Happy quilting!
