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Friday, March 6, 2020

More Connecting

I got to spend the day in my studio and at first I felt a little paralyzed because there were so many things I wanted to do. And it was imperative that I clean up a little so I actually had room to work. I did play with papers and paints but sharing it here will have to wait because I can't pass up the opportunity to write about another connection. 

Yesterday I shared Tracie's matchbook creation....and today I got this photo from Lynne and Anna's art day of their little matchbook creations. 

I'm sitting here in Maine and feeling the love from Wisconsin and North Carolina.  New friends and old ones...connecting through art is a wonderful and joyful thing!
I will also take the opportunity to revisit where I originally got the inspiration for my little matchbook.  I follow Loulei Onrubia-Ngo ( on Instagram and am always inspired by her sweet little watercolor floral creations. Such a hopeful sign of spring. I also highly recommend #ilainspired on Instagram....where other artists put there inspired art.
More of's creations. Spring is coming!


Here's a little preview of some gel printed pages I did today from some old books I recently acquired.

They are not punched squares....I just did a quick digital collage of some of the pages. The colors go with Loulei's flowers and Lynne and Anna's matchbooks.  More tomorrow about these great books I found.

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