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Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Next Best Thing

I was supposed to fly to Minneapolis this morning.  The plan was to spend a few days with my sister Nancy and her husband Craig then she and I were going to hit the road on Friday.  Our first stop would have been Lamoni, Iowa to visit my Aunt Beverly. Beverly is my mom's only sister and an amazing artist and role model who I wished I lived closer to.

MaryAnn, Angie, LaVonn, Nancy and Marilyn
After spending a night with her Nancy and I were going to drive to Sibley, Missouri for a family reunion of sorts at my sister Angie's home.  All my living siblings and some of our spouses were going to gather to help Angie around her house and yard, cook together, play games, go for walks, laugh, and visit. Clearly that isn't happening.

This photo is from the sister gathering we had here in Portland in the fall of 2018.


But Nancy and I had a Face Time happy hour today....the next best thing to being there in person.  She says hi!
And earlier this evening I helped my sister LaVonn practice google video chats.  She is a teacher and needs to hold Special Education meetings on is practicing the technology with me.  If you can't be with people you love....these virtual interactions are the next best thing.  


  1. I have noticed that we have been sending each other more messages, pictures and some video calls as we have all been social distancing. It is good to keep in contact.
