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Friday, March 20, 2020


Several weeks ago I had two major spills down some kitchen cupboards and onto the floor that required deep cleaning....both on the very same day.  My plan was to go back and thoroughly clean the rest of the cupboards right away....but I didn't.  Hold that thought.

This morning my friend Lynn shared this post and it was just the nudge I needed. Lynn is a retired teacher and has been sharing links for parents and teachers to help with home schooling.  But she's also sharing good stuff for the rest of us.

I love this list of questions....and used it to give a little structure to my day.

1.  I am grateful to have a husband who I enjoy spending time with. We play together well...and parallel play on separate floors well too.  We pause every day from 4ish to 6ish to visit, play games, and listen to music.  Today we played 2 games of dominoes and grilled burgers on the grill.

2.  I wrote e-mails to my neighbors here at the condo which started some welcomed virtual conversations.  This is usually the time of year when we're visiting in the street and our back yards....I miss them.  I also had good phone conversations with Margie and Paul's sister Alyson.

3.  I was supposed to have a haircut today but it was cancelled.  I'm letting go of things I have no control of.....and shaggy hair will be a new normal for a while. And....I'm getting pretty good at using only 2 squares of toilet paper when I pee.  That may be a new forever normal.

4.  Paul and I got out for a walk this morning once the rain stopped.....and that's always a good thing.

 5.  I walked and was busy around the house up and down the stairs often.

6.  I created a spring tulip card today from my painted papers....I'll get it in the mail tomorrow.

I'm adding one more question to the list that will bring me full circle to kitchen cupboard mishap.

7.  What did I do today to take care of my home?  I finished cleaning all the rest of the kitchen cupboards.  Thanks Lynn for giving a little creative structure to my day.

And then there was this gift at the end of the day.

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