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Wednesday, March 18, 2020


One of the unusual symbols of this crisis has been toilet paper....or the absence of it. Some people seem to have a need to buy a lot of it....maybe giving them a sense of comfort and/or security. And most certainly this is coming out of a sense of fear.  I do admit I wouldn't have believed it unless I saw it for myself....but there's not been a single roll in sight in the few trips I've made to the grocery store.  Paul and I have enough for a while and I'm training myself to use a lot less....and that can only be a good thing.

And maybe I understand the urge to hoard better than I thought.

As I've been puttering and purging around the house I'm finding some of my secret stashes of  Scotties tissue with my favorite box design of all time.  And I will admit this is not all of them....these are just the ones I'm taking to Maine.  I bought a box or two every time I saw them in the store because I knew that one day they would stop making this design.  I've not seen them in a while so I think they've already stopped.

Maybe these are my symbols of comfort and security.  And I know you're thinking what I'm thinking that if I get desperate.....

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