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Monday, March 23, 2020


One might think that with all this stay at home time my house would be clean, organized, and tended to....but it's not.  I leap from one thing to another in an unsettled kind of way not finishing anything I start.

I have one crocus in my garden that's about to bloom.
and this afternoon it started snowing.
I'd rather be spending my time doing non-house stuff....making cards and sending notes and e-mails, talking to my family, and doing little hand projects. Maybe those are the perfect things to be doing right now. The house can wait.

And I had to smile at my son Sam's Instagram post this morning. He thought it was a good idea to put his newspaper in his laundry bag last night so he could read it while he was sitting at the laundromat.  This morning he just dumped the clothes in the washer.....see the blue plastic newspaper bag in the washer?  He's trying to clean up the news.  Thanks for making me smile today Sam!


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