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Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Chicks Rule

I'm still immersed in my spring card making project....but there other joys in my life I want to celebrate so the card update will be tomorrow. This is what my table looked like at 10:00 last night when I finally stopped.

I love this little pile I'm calling "Spring Seeds."  
Quite some time ago my sister Marilyn gave me a clump of snow drops from her yard and I've loved them by the back door at my home in Lexington.....I've written about them several times.

Anticipating the eventual move to Maine I've been slowly dividing and moving some of my perennials including the precious snowdrops. This little clump at the corner of the woods is doing the best.

I left some at the back door in Lexington...I'm actually leaving a piece of almost everything I've planted hoping that whoever lives there next will enjoy the gardens as much as I have.

The snowdrops in the patio garden haven't done as well....but hopefully they will settle in and multiply over the years.

I just had a few solitary ones here and there so I decided to pick them and enjoy them in the window sill.                                                                                             
Most of my Easter decorations are in Lexington but I did find a few spring things to freshen things up.  The yellow golf ball is the newest found object....there's always something on display.  And my silly little spring glitter globes make me smile...."Chicks Rule!"
This happy clump of crocus is just up the street at a neighboring condo.  
Mine have just started to poke through.....I planted a bunch last fall.

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