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Thursday, April 30, 2020


"Every aspect of our lives can benefit from our innate creative energy when it is nurtured and applied."
Janet Skates

How can I not love this....and how can I not share it!  Janet Skates' art is an explosion of color and patterns and it always makes me smile when it comes across my Instagram feed.

And Janet's JOY was the inspiration for today's #24 of Another 100 Days. I know I'm getting a little more wild with my squares.....but I like the contrast and the mix of colors better than the monochromatic ones. There will probably be a mix of both.  And....I'm having fun being inspired by something from my day.  It's an evolving creative daily practice....and I'm loving every minute of it. 

Last night I finished adding the colors to the next to the last row on my wall hanging.  One more row to plan and and finish then I can attach the two halves! JOY!

And just for fun I taped it to the patio door today...
just because I could.

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