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Thursday, April 16, 2020

"Marvel At the Day"

We've had a couple of cool, but lovely spring days here in Lexington...good for walking and taking in the marvel of spring. I'm enjoying the trees....the birds...the blooms....and even the rocks.  

I love this little glimpse of our church in the background and long row of  Scilla contrasted with the Forsythia along the driveway of our neighbor First Parish Church.

This row of splashy hyacinths is right up the street...and such a treat to walk by. There have been years when it's gotten too warm too fast and the spring blooms don't last. But they like this cool weather and will stay beautiful a lot longer. So today I'll accept celebrate the cool spring temps and enjoy the show.

Dean and Joan love rocks as much as I do! 
Joan and I did a fully masked puzzle exchange.

The Minute Man statue on the Lexington Battle Green is all decked out for spring....
it's just a block from our house and right across the street from our church.
This next Monday we should be celebrating Patriot's Day in Lexington....the biggest day of the year in our small town when there's usually a reenactment of the first battle of the Revolutionary War.  But this year it will be quiet and peaceful on the green while we shelter at home.

Day 10 of Another 100 it's yellow in honor of the daffodils.

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