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Sunday, April 5, 2020

Seeds of Hope

A few others are planting spring gardens.....could I be more joyful?  I think not!

Janessa saw my cards on Instagram and planted this little garden for a colleague who just suffered a loss. 

Janessa is "on a mission to help women pursue the lives that bring them the most fulfillment, while tapping into their passions and creativity."

She can be found....

on Instagram

on her website
Dana got my starter kit and had a quiet night planting seeds of hope.  Dana is a minister in Andover MA and I know full well the challenges Christian clergy face during this very Holy Week.  
Dana's fist little garden she called "planting seeds of hope."

Portland is still pretty brown....but Lexington is starting to green up. I have one.....just one daffodil and a handful of crocus blooming in my yard.                                                                     

But there are most certainly signs of spring all around town.

This carpet of Scilla at Anita and Dave's home is one of my favorite spring displays.  

And this photo is from my son Sam's Sunday bike ride. 
All of these signs of spring give me hope.


  1. Thank you for continuing to post to your blog every day. it's truly a highlight of my day. I love seeing what you are working on and am inspired to get right to making something myself. :-) Thanks, Elle

    1. Thank you so much Elle....writing these posts is a highlight in my day too. If I can inspire just a's all worthwhile. Thanks for reaching out!
