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Thursday, April 23, 2020

So Many Blues

This view on our morning walk made me pause....between the house, the fence, the car, and the sky there were just so many blues. I plugged the photo into the Palette Builder to identify them all. 

Speaking of blues....I'm on day 17 of my Another 100 Day Project and I laid them out on the floor so I could get a sense of how it was looking. I'm still not sure how I'm going to arrange them....I need more before I figure that out. Some blocks are better than others....and I do like when there's a little more of a contrast in the colored centers.

I added in a bit of yellow as a contrasting color in today's block ....I think it adds interest. So I'll pay a little more attention to that and a better balance of light and dark blues. I also can balance the blues when I add extra strips for sizing.

It will all work out in the's a scrap quilt after all.

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