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Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Tucked Away

"Tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today."  African Proverb

I love grape hyacinth....and these are right up the street.

At the beginning of April I found this container of hosta I tucked away in the garage for the winter. I had totally forgotten about it....and it was patiently waiting for light and water as it was struggling to sprout.

I put it out on the back patio....watered it well, and let the sun and the rain do what they do best.

I know intellectually that perennials go through a dormant stage in the winter. But I'm also sure it's a little miracle that every spring they wake up after their long winter's rest....even if they were forgotten about in a dark garage.
I'm happy to report that almost a month later they're doing well.
Thank you Mother Nature!

This sweet little message was tucked away in a tree trunk...and it and the hyacinths were the inspiration for today's quilt square.

Be you!

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