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Monday, May 18, 2020

Garden Days

I spent nearly the whole day in the garden....and there are lots of them in Lexington.  It's a big job in the spring to get ahead of the weeds....but I'm doing my best.  When the plants get bigger the weeds stay a little more under control.

I absolutely love the way the allium bloom  pushes out of its little cocoon....I've been watching the progress every day. They're one of my favorites so I'm glad I'm here in Lexington to keep an eye on it.
It's getting there. Isn't it spectacular!

I'm not sure what this is....but it's a sweet shade perennial that has been in my garden from the start.  The flower is so delicate and plant is a handsome and tidy all season.  The leaves look like it's in the coral bell family.
Look at those little firecracker details!  
I was on my hands and knees weeding so really got to appreciate it up close.

I planted this ajuga years ago along the walkway into the screened porch.  It nearly disappeared over the past few years....but some came back in all its glory this year.  It's a low ground cover....but the blooms stand tall and blue this time of year.

And this is a loyal early bloomer and such a bright pop of yellow......

...and a good sidekick to this miniature iris.  These days....are garden days!  And when I wasn't IN the garden I was talking to a couple of good friends ABOUT our gardens.  

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