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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Mistaken Identity

This profusion of forsythia as you enter our condo complex is so pretty against the bright blue sky.

I've been watching a bloodroot plant in the woods from my sister Nancy....or so I thought.

I do have bloodroot from Nancy...but it's in a different spot....and just recently bloomed.  Just one little flower but another sprout is coming coming.  It's such a sweet little I'm hoping it spreads over time.

What I thought was bloodroot is actually trillium....also from Nancy.  It looks like it's struggling a bit but it does have a few buds so hopefully I'll see a bloom at some point.  

Today's block #29 for my Another 100 Days project....
...and catching up on #27 and #28 from the last couple of days.

Linda sent me this photo of the bloodroot in her woods....look at all those buds! I'll remain hopeful that someday mine might look like this.

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