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Saturday, May 23, 2020

My Project...My Rules

The allium balls I brought to Maine have fully opened can I not celebrate it!

Today is day 47 of my another 100 days scrap sewing project.  I've only missed a few days recently....and some days I made more than one because I'm a little ahead and have about 50. My daily sewing practice will continue...but I'm going to start sewing the squares together for a few days and see what I want this to be. I'll still be making squares...just larger ones.

It's a little wonky and not necessarily in a good purposeful kind of way....but it does look better in person.  I can see in the photo that I need to balance the lights and darks a little better.  I can't say I love it will likely end up as a small quilt for a child's bed or maybe a picnic blanket. I've always said....quilting changes everything.

These nine squares made about a 16 inch larger square....and I have to decide how to proceed.  I think I'll just keep adding rows to the sides and work my way around and around?  That dark orange one is really bothering may have to go.

I pinned another potential row on two sides....just to have something to mull over and I'll fiddle a little more with placement. I can already see some I will change.  I hate that block in the bottom left...that's got to go...but now the orange one is not as big of a problem. It will all be just fine in the end. I will certainly sew all 50 squares together but then may do something totally different for the next 50 of my 100 day project.  After's my rules.  It's all about a creative daily practice....and I think I want to practice something different.

We had our good friends Dana and Anne over late this afternoon....first guests since since the pandemic.  We visited safely outside....and as you can see we went from summer yesterday....right back to seasonable cool spring.  It felt good to be with friends again!

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