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Friday, May 29, 2020

What Joy Looks LIke

Sometimes joy looks like a pile of stuff in the driveway:  buttons, beads, fabric, felt, ribbon, yarn, fibers, paper, lace...and a zillion little bits of this and that.

A week or so ago this ad on the Lexington buy/sell Facebook page caught my attention:

I've been collecting and using art and craft supplies most of my life.  I see potential in almost when people offer me their extras or cast offs it's hard to turn them down.  And...there's nothing that brings me more joy than to pay it forward and share my stash with others.

I ended up having quite a conversation with the young woman who posted the add through the Facebook message board....not only about what she's looking for but also about her story of rising up out of a difficult situation.  I wanted to help.  So over the past week I searched my closets and bins and gathered a big pile of things I thought she could use....and today I handed them over to her at no cost. That's what joy feels like sometimes.

And joy looks like this sometimes too.....on our morning explosion of honeysuckle.  I think they look like little firecrackers.

And these yellow daisies were a refreshing splash of joy.

And just in case you were wondering...this is NOT what joy looks like.

Yes...that's my front door in a zillion teeny weeny pieces. It had a bad reaction to a flying stone.

But do pay attention....sometimes joy looks a little different than you might think.

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