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Monday, June 29, 2020

Ahead of Schedule

"Isn't it funny how day by day nothing changes, but when you look back everything is different."  C. S. Lewis

On June 12th I put the last colored square into my cathedral window quilt wall hanging.  There weren't any fireworks....but there certainly was cause for celebration. I took it on a little tour to show some friends....and now it's hanging prominently in my studio.

My goal was to finish it before we moved to the condo full time....and I'm happy to say I'm way ahead of schedule.  I almost never get to say that.
I started it the summer of 2007 at Patsy's family camp near Moosehead Lake in central Maine. Patsy taught all 3 of her stitching buddies how to make one....she is on her 5th or 6th full size one.  Jane is on her 3rd,  Janice is still working on her 1st full size one and I....finally finished a small wall hanging.  

I'm easily distracted.

This is how it started.

The stats:
13 years in at least 5 states, 481 white squares, 900 colored squares, 52 beads....
and a zillion hand stitches....give or take a few

One of the questions I've been pondering is will one of my boys want it when I'm gone? If they don't....someone will....I hope.


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