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Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Embracing the Clover

This is where yesterday's snippets took me....and I've already passed it along to a friend.

I remember looking for 4-leaf clover in our yard growing you?

I used to be one of those people who wanted a perfectly manicured lawn and I'm embarrassed to say that I didn't give the products that needed to be used to achieve that much thought.  But, like in many areas of my life, I'm learning that the old ways are not always the best ways.

To better protect the waterways, pets, and natural habitats, Portland, Maine has a city ordinance prohibiting the use of all synthetic weed killers and lawn treatments.....and I think that's a really good thing.  What that means is that our condo association lawns, which were weedy before the ordinance, are now even weedier...and I've made peace with that.

After some gardening I was sitting on the patio enjoying the beautiful day and making peace with the clover that was blooming all over the lawn. I decided to do a little research and was absolutely delighted with what I learned. For those of you who read this blog on a regular basis know when something delights me....I usually share it with you. 

I read the Portland City Ordinance and several articles about clover from all different angles....including the benefits and how to get rid of it. But the one that helped me make my attitude shift was "Five Benefits of Keeping Clover in Your Lawn."

Before the second World War, white clover was a standard ingredient in grass seed because it was beneficial.  But once weed killers and pesticides became a thing....clover got lumped into the weed category and killed off by the chemicals.   We never treated our lawn on the farm growing that's why I remember the clover.

I highly recommend the short little the article...but just in case you don't here's a summary of the 5 reasons you should not only keep clover in your lawn....but embrace it.

1.  Clover acts as a natural fertilizer.  It takes nitrogen from the air and transfers it to the soil.  It tends to "move in" where there's poor soil and works to fix it.

2.  Clover stays green....even in dry conditions.

3.  Clover brings diversity to your lawn....this one made me laugh out seemed so on topic in our current social climate.  The nectar from the flowers attracts bees and other helpful insects....and "the more diverse a lawn, the better off it is."  JOY!

4.  Clover smells good....what's not to love about that! 

5.  Clover kills other weeds.  I have some other pretty ugly weeds in the lawn...and the clover may actually smother for me! 

So keep moving in clover....I'm embracing you....and you're a welcome addition to my lawn.  

I thought it would have been fun to find a 4-leaf clover for the end of this post...but no luck.  ha ha


  1. And one more benefit for clover - honey bees love it! Great for the bees works for me :)
