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Saturday, June 20, 2020

Look Closely

Before I left Maine I picked a spent blossom....or maybe now it's a seed pod from a sarsaparilla plant in the woods.....I'm curious whether it will dry just like this.  There are hundreds of them....and because they're hidden under a large canopy of leaves you might miss them if you don't look closely. Aren't they awesome!

Most of the last couple of days in Lexington has been filled with gardening and watering.....we need rain!  

I also had some wonderful long overdue safe visits with me a much needed boost.  

Anita and her daughter Becky helped me with a little project in the back yard.  Yup...the cathedral window wall hanging is done!  I'm apologizing ahead of time because I'm going to reflect on this a bit more once I hang it in the studio....but I thought it would be a nice pop of color at the end of this post.  

One of the reasons I wanted them to hold it was so I could photograph it in the light....they were good sports!  Thanks Becky and Anita!