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Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Another Transition Day

Colors I left behind in Lexington.....

The hydrangea bloom is more purple than just a few days ago.

...and the colors that greeted me in Portland.  You can't actually see them very well...but there are now three little blooms on the coreopsis...and several are about to pop.  I'm glad they waited for me.  And what's not to love about that coral bell.  It's nice when the plant itself is as beautiful as any bloom.

I spent quite a bit of time yesterday getting started on my "Swirls of Color" class project.  Because this is a paid class, I can't share the course content and "how to" of what I'm doing.....but I have Isobel's permission to share images of my progress.  This is a little peak into where I'm at now and I'll post more tomorrow when I have more time. I'm having a blast!

There's never enough hours in a transition day.


  1. Your class work for this course is beautiful. I am going to have to look Isobel up this weekend. Hopefully, she has another course coming up.

    Is the class self-passed? Or is there instruction at specific times?

    1. Isobel posted all the lessons on the first day so it's self paced. She breaks it down into tiny little chunks and the videos are only a few minutes each.

    2. I signed up for the wait list for the next time she holds the class. If timing works for me, I'll give it a try.
      Thanks for your inspiration!
