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Friday, July 10, 2020

Broken Record

I know I'm a broken record....but my little moonbeam blooms tickle me down to my toes.

There are about a dozen open now...and they are so delicate and pretty next to the wispy coral bell blooms. When there's a breeze...they kind of dance.

The irony is that if they were in more sun....they would do better.  But I kind of like them a bit spindly. 
Elle asked for a little more information about the Swirls of Color class I'm taking from Isobel Moore.  I realized that I've been so busy with the class (mostly making mistakes) that I haven't written much about it.  I can't describe any of the class content...but I can describe how the class is structured.  

There are 36 little mini lessons....with written directions and short videos. We got all of them right at the beginning so we could work through them at our own pace. And what was most helpful is that I was able to watch them all ahead and go back to them as needed....which I am finding extremely helpful.  Most of the videos are only about a minute or two long where Isobel demonstrates a particular skill.  She has close-ups of her sewing with beautiful music playing....I could watch for hours.  The lessons focus on techniques for preparing a background, layering fabric strips, adding fibers, beads and other embellishments, as well as finishing techniques.  

There is a private Facebook group where class members can share their work and chat about our progress.  Isobel is also available on the class site for questions on any particular lesson.  She is very attentive and readily available to give feedback and advise...I'm learning so much that I can apply to so many projects.

Like I mentioned yesterday I got pretty frustrated with my first got a fresh start today with some pretty summer colors. 
Tomorrow I'll add fibers and decorative stitching. Some of my curves are a little off...but hopefully I can compensate with the fibers and change the flow a bit.  And this time....I'll try to have a little restraint.  Once I get a swirl project I'm happy with....I want to try a land or seascape. 


  1. Thank you so much for your kind words! Seascapes? Hold that thought....that is one of my ideas for future courses!

    1. Wonderful class....will be watching what you offer next! I love the idea of land and seascapes!
