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Saturday, July 4, 2020

Fused Bound Binding

I absolutely laughed out loud at an email update from Anita.  She got the 4th of my repotted rain lilies and hers was the only one that went out without a bud in sight.  Linda had flaunted her blooms a bit...but Anita got the last laugh.  

This is the photo she sent to Linda today.....

...and this is the actual photo!  
She does have her first bloom and 2 more coming.
I love your sense of humor Anita!  I'm still smiling!

I did an experimental binding technique on my first stained glass pieces....and I think it worked pretty well.

I added a narrow row of fusible webbing to the edge of the binding strip and sewed it on the piece just like I would on any quilt with the mitered corners. I had already cut the piece so it just fit the front of the repurposed canvas....and I glued it down with thick gel medium and let it sit for a few hours.

Next I wrapped the black around the thin canvas and fused it to the back.  So it's a fused bound binding.....clean and crisp! Worked like a charm!

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