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Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Ghost Plant

"Fully grieve your losses....and also, let yourself feel the full weight of your joys." Morgan Harper Nichols

To read the whole poem check out Morgan Harper Nichols' latest Instagram post and click through the words and images...  so beautiful.

I don't remember seeing these strange  things in the woods before. Are they mushrooms....are they plants?  I couldn't decide if they were cool or creepy...they looked like ghost daffodils.  

So I did a little research....I love the journeys my "noticing" take me on.  I always learn something new.
I wasn't surprised to learn  they are actually called ghost plant...or ghost pipe....and sometimes even called corpse plant.  So I'm going with creepy....and cool.

I didn't really want to touch it....but couldn't help myself. It was a bit waxy.

It's certainly a year for mushrooms. This one was standing tall....and perky in the woods.

And this one had a golden shimmer.

This one was cute as a button.

This one looks like meringue... 


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