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Saturday, July 25, 2020

Jar of Sunshine

I was greeted this morning with a text from Janice with this photo of her dried calendula I mentioned a few days looks like a jar of sunshine. If that was the only joy I experienced all day....I would have been all set.

But then I found a little gem in the yard while I was working.....

...and it put the day over the top and it was only 9:00.

It was no bigger than my pinky nail.....and I almost missed it.  But looking and seeing is what I love to do....and this is just another reminder of how that can be rewarded.

We had friends over this evening for pizza in the back yard.....and it was wonderful on so many levels.  First of all I spent a good chunk of the day sprucing up the gardens....and finally cleaning the patio area....and that's something to celebrate.  But even more important was the opportunity to safely connect with people we care about trading stories...and  sharing our joys and challenges.
It was like a second jar of sunshine.  

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