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Sunday, August 30, 2020

Best Moment

This social media post someone made me laugh: 

This one made me sad:

This one was reassuring:

It was a glorious breezy late summer day!  This view on my walk this morning made me pause....there seemed to be so many layers of color and texture.....such a peaceful scene.

And look what took a field trip to Lexington.  I couldn't bear to leave the 5 buds behind in I took my white rain lilies on the road and enjoyed keeping an eye on them all day long. Joy sometimes looks like this.

But I think the best moment all day long was when I got this photo in a text from my neighbor Sandy who lives across from me at the condo.  She started reading my blog recently and knew I would appreciate this beautifully imperfect bright red leaf she picked up on her front walk this week. I'm guessing she'll have wabi-sabi things drying on her window sill all fall!

Joy most certainly looks like this.

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