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Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Night Sky

"When it's over, I want my life to be a bride married to amazement."  
Mary Oliver

I spent most of last evening sitting on our back patio in Lexington.  The humidity was lifting and there was a nice breeze.  I wrote my blog post and got busy with other things...head down on my computer screen.  As it started to get dusky (my favorite time of day) I happened to look up....

...and saw the moon perfectly framed in an opening in the branches against a stunning night sky.  A good reminder to pay attention and be present wherever I am....and always remember to look up.

I don't have the right camera to do the scene justice....but once I tried I closed my computer, set down my phone and enjoyed the beautiful evening and the marvelous night sky.

What a difference a day makes....the air was cool and breezy today....almost fall like and I love it!  

I'm celebrating hydrangea again today.  This blossom in front of my house is turning a beautiful dusty purple and the textures are amazing!

And these beauties are completely dry...and still lovely shades of blues and purples.

Janet and I admired these blossoms on our walk....there's just something about hydrangea that makes me pause.

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