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Tuesday, August 11, 2020


For better or for worse I make piles....all over the house.  I've got piles of mail to go through, piles of things to sort and get to their right place or to donate, piles of supplies for a projects, and or course piles of ideas in my head.  And yes...I have piles of rocks.

But since the piles of mail and laundry from today are not very interesting to write about...this post is about piles of a different sort.

I've been picking away at a 2000 piece puzzle at the condo.  It was a little overwhelming at the beginning so I adopted the strategy of making piles and it has really helped move things along. Sometimes all I do is collect colors and make piles.

Then the piles become pieces and parts.....

.....that connect to other pieces and parts.

And before I knew it I had connected several parts...and visible progress has been made.

I'm at the point where I should be able to fit all the pieces in the boxes and eliminate the extra table when I go back.  Then I'll start making more piles.

I'm loving this puzzle....thanks Linda!

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