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Thursday, August 13, 2020

Scrappy Sidetrack

I spent some time cleaning up my work table in front of the window in the of my favorite places to sit and work.

At the bottom of a pile I uncovered these scraps left over from a punched square project that I just couldn't bare to throw away. They are painted papers from an old manuscript kind of precious. And since I'm so easily sidetracked I paused to see what I could come up with.

This was one of the projects I made with the punched squares a while back.....and now it was time to use the scraps.

I pieced together a neutral collage background....

...and glued on the scraps overlapping them to create interesting shapes.

I think it's kind of interesting.... I turned part of it into a card and have enough for a second one. 
A good scrappy sidetrack project!

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