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Thursday, September 17, 2020

Days Like This

Some days I kind of stumble around....not really being able to get out of my own way. Today was one of those days. I flipped from one thing to another never really finding my groove. 

Days like this I'm grateful for Mother Nature.

This little corner of my garden is as pretty as ever....especially now with the blooming turtlehead.

The seven-sons-flower tree is about 1/2 in bloom....

...and the pink rain lilies keep coming one or two at a time....this one is just starting to unfurl.

And there was something about this gnarly tree trunk that made me pause.
Yes....days like this I'm grateful for Mother Nature....she always finds her groove.

Speaking of Mother Nature....I heard from Mary in the other Portland and she and her family are OK. She sent me an interesting link to a map showing smoke plumes and air quality across the country....and like she's interesting....and scary.