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Tuesday, September 29, 2020

In and Around Town

I couldn't help but put yesterday's photo into the cartoon view of the "clips" app on my phone.  

Now I love this color combo more than ever!!!  Somewhere...I have some quilt parts and pieces in this scheme.  I'll get back to them some day.  

They were easier to find on the blog...than they will be in person in the studio:

 Have I mentioned that I'm a new board member for our condo association in Portland?  Still questioning the wisdom of the that decision....but I'm all in now. In addition to being in charge of the new website (which I developed from scratch) I will be helping with a semi-regular newsletter from the board and I'm calling it "In And Around Parsons Pond."  I borrowed the title for today's blog post because.....

Janet and I had a delightful walk this and around town....
and I'm taking you along for some of it.

We wondered what tree this was....we loved the seed pods.  Anyone know? They looked like those childhood beads you could snap together. 

Lincoln Park was one of our destinations.

 We spent some time enjoying the beautiful trees in Hastings Park.

It was good to be in and around town today.

1 comment:

  1. My best guess at pea pod tree
