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Monday, September 7, 2020

Just A Number

"I surround myself with what I love and create things that bring me joy." MaryAnn Shupe....written for the "about me" section of this blog back in January of 2015.

After 5 years and 8 months of writing daily Joyful Puttering posts.....this blog has been viewed over 100,000 times.  I can't even wrap my head around that number.  It's just a number....but I'm humbled....and grateful.

This daily writing ritual continues to be a wonderful way to end my day....and a motivation to pay attention to the magical and sometimes even strange or mundane moments that make me pause and bring a smile to my face.

I am pleased that so many of you find a little joy and maybe some inspiration here too.  Thank you for following along on this journey....YOU are not just a number.  My connections and conversations with so many of you over these years have been such a gift.

"There are times when I have no idea what comes next & it's the thing I've come to love most about being alive: learning to hear the invitation of each new day." Brian Andreas

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