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Saturday, September 5, 2020

Mix It Up

This was a mix it up kind of day....a little of this and a little of that both inside and out.  I connected with my extended family via Zoom....and had a delightful evening visit with my next door neighbor.  I like days like this!

I'm happy to see that the bees like the seven-sons flower blossoms....

...and I can see hours of simple entertainment to come watching the rest of the tree bloom and turn from white to pink. Needless to say.....I'm pretty excited.

It's hard to believe these sweet little blooms are going to turn pink.

Do you see her?  The little hummingbird likes the tree too.

I spent some time in the studio working on an experiment I started a few days ago.  I had stitched and painted a wonky little log cabin quilt block...but the colors were flat and I was uninspired. But today I went over it with metallic paints in some fall colors and added fused striped batik fabric all the way around.  This was the only photo I took along the way.

I squared it up with another round of stitching and painted one last round using watercolors that were a little more blended.

I've turned it into a mixed media card and will finish it up and send it on its way after the holiday. Life is good when you mix it up.

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