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Monday, September 14, 2020

Successful Concept

I didn't fully appreciate the fabulous curls on this wabi-sabi black eyed Susan bloom until uploaded the photo....a delightful little surprise.  

I tried another experiment with my fused fall painted papers. It was a successful concept....but I wasn't very happy with the end result.  But I'll take a successful concept as a win.

I sliced some 1 inch strips.....

....then cut them into squares...better known as inchies.

Each little piece is like a small art piece.  That's what I love most about cutting up a collage...
you never know what you'll get.

All these little squares still had the paper backing I could peel off to reveal the fusible webbing....all I had to do was place them and give them a quick ironing.

Here's where the bad decision comes in....WRONG choice of background colors....but this is what I had on hand in Lexington. It seemed like it would be a nice pop of color to compliment the fall colors....but it's just didn't work.

At his point I just lightly fusing them diagonally on the green with the tip of my iron to secure them in place. I let the go off the edge where needed and the trimmings could be used in other places to fill in along the edge.

Once I had them all tacked down....I gave it a quick all over press and stitched it onto a card.
I think either a darker....or even a cream background would have looked better. ...or just putting them right next to each other might have worked too.  I think the bright green overpowers and takes away from the beauty of each little square.
It still makes for a reasonably nice fall card....and I'll send it to someone who doesn't read the blog. 😉


  1. I think the green looks fine, but maybe mount it on black instead of white/cream. Or use black for the foundation. Looks very fall-like to me!

    1. Thanks would have been better. Anything would have been better. Maybe I'll deconstruct this one and reinvent it.
