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Tuesday, October 27, 2020

All About the Corn

This was the first day since I've been in Wisconsin that it was dry enough for Tim to get into the fields to pick corn.  LaVonn was virtually teaching from the dining room so Angie and I were pretty much on our own.  We had a very good day doing all sorts of things....but it really was all about the corn.  Angie indulged me as I was in and out...keeping track of what was going on outside.

I just caught the combine leaving this morning.

Then the big truck left empty....

....and came back full....all day long.

Tim emptied the corn into the elevator that took it up into the tall holding bin....and he actually filled  it up today.

The corn went from the holding bin into this dryer.....

...then into another grain bin where it will sit till it's sold.

It's quite an operation....and it was fun watching it unfold.

It wasn't just about the was also just a little bit about cookies.  
And where do cookies go on the farm? the Cookie Barn of course.

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